Radio chatter is also improved in quality making it easier to hear. Voice acting in the form of heavy breathing and pained moans and grunts when the player is injured. Most weapons now have different reloading animations compared to the original guns along with different sounds when firing along with most of the weapons being properly modeled after their real-life counterparts. Allen is riding in, explaining why in the original game he was laying on the ground as soon as the level started. At the start of Team Player, a short cutscene not present in the original game is shown where an RPG-7's rocket hits the jeep that Pvt. Joseph Allen's body would knock Allen's rifle aside and Gary "Roach" Sanderson would grab General Shepherd's arm as he picked the DSM up who sneers at Roach and yanks his arm out of Roach's grasp, along with the Shadow Company soldier who soaks Roach and Ghost in gasoline looking at them burn instead of the original where he just walks off.

The game also features a few tweaked scenes such as the FSB soldier checking on Pvt. Character models are highly realistic and detailed with some of them having a new character design. The remaster works in a similar way to the remaster of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, sharing the same engine with various enhancements in terms of visual and audio design. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered only features the campaign of Modern Warfare 2 including the Museum level.